Currently Most Profitable Miner: Antminer Z15 (Zcash). Entire Miner List HERE

ASICs Supplier since @2015

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ASIC Miners for Sale – Cryptocurrency Mining

ASIC Miners For Sale – Bitmain, Innosilicon, WhatsMiner ..

ASIC miners vendor ✅since @2015

PSU always in miner price ✅included.

Pay attention to prices (they can change even several times a week)

For bulk orders, Contact Us (3 pcs.+)

With new cooperation you can even buy ASIC at ✅wholesale prices.

We supply ✅all world ASIC manufacturers and models.

  • Bitman, Innosilicon, Whatsminer
  • Avalon, StrongU, Baikal, Hummer
  • BitDragonfly, GoldShell, FusionSilicon
  • Obelisk, Bitfury, Bitfily, Todek


▪ How much does miners earn? Which pays off the most?

▪ Which supplier to choose? What about Electricity? Lifespan?

▪ How to setup? Can I do it? What about Taxes? Maintenance …?

Contact us by email / phone.

Buy Antminer S19 for Wholesale Price

We are the biggest GPU / HDD rigs manufacturer and biggest ASICs supplier in 🇸🇰🇨🇿 Slovak & Czech Republic.

For 6 years we have supplied Hundreds of Miners, build 9 datacenters (1 MW+) for investors and helped really hundreds of clients in SK/CZ.

  • But, SK-CZ is quite small market, so we decided to Expand.
  • However dealing with mining hardware from SVK is quite problematic because of restrictive laws, anti-crypto policies, sabotaging business conditions ..

That´s why we decide to supply our foreign orders Directly Throught the our Wholesalers.

What Does it Mean to You?

You are allowed to order miners (even 1 pcs) directly from our wholesalers.

  1. You are buying for Wholesale Prices (pay no commission to us – we have cooperations with suppliers)
  2. You have to pay No VAT

What Makes us Totally Different from All Othres?

#1 We are Not Fixed to any single Supplier

#2 We have contracted with 29 Various (largest) ASIC miner suppliers around the whole world, so you can even choose the Cheapest One.

Therefore,  you always buy with us for the Lowest Possible Prices, at which miner can be bought.

That´s why you will SAVE HUNDREDS with us.


Where Not to Buy? (9 SCAM Suppliers)

The most crucial problem of this market? Many of scammers.

  • We have been direct Victim of 9 FRAUDS.
  • We paid and vendors “dissapeared”

So where to buy so you don’t lose money?

  • We have already been robbed so You Don’t Have To Be.
  • We have tried all of them so You Don’t Have To.

And this is our Cardinal Added Value, which no other vendor provide you.

#1 From 29, we have removed 9 SCAM Suppliers

#2 Removed next 6, where we are 98% sure they are also fraudsters (in scam list soon)

#3 Removed 5 problematic (order delays, second-hand miners ..)

#4 And removed 3 another with really high prices

What is the result?

The Result

100% Satisfaction - Guaranty1

  • TOP 6 (of 29) , most reliable, trusted and cheapest ASIC vendors on the whole market!

We have started to work with each one of them since 2015-2018 and bought AT LEAST 100 pcs of miners (from each of them):

✅ No delivery delays ✅ No second-hand ✅ No price increasing after order ✅ The lowest price on the market ✅ 100% satisfaction ✅ Selection of TOP suppliers ✅ Based on 6 years of our experiences

ASIC Miner – What is It?

Word abbreviation ASIC miner means: An application specific integrated circuit (ASIC).

So ASIC miners are single-purpose devices (computers) that are manufactured only for the one specific activity – mining cryptocurrency.

Miner contains motherboard, also RAM, CPU and other parts like an common desktop, but most important component are hasboards. They are chips, that generate massive computing power, that is needfull for crypto-mining.

And each ASIC model is even specially adjusted only for mining with 1 specific algorithm (only one group of cryptocurrencies).

You can buy ASIC miner for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Litecoin, Siacoin, but only separately.

You are not able to switch Ethereum ASIC miner from mining Ethereum to Bitcoin mining.

And ASIC miners ale “prefabricated” machines, manufactured in factories so it is impossible to change algorithm at-home nor build ASIC at home.

So we import them from world biggest manufacturers like Innosilicon, Bitmain, Avalon … GPU MINING rigs, on the other hand, we also produce directly in Slovakia.


GPU and ASIC miners Differences

ASIC Miner

  • ASIC miner is a single-purpose device (specialized only for mining)
  • And specialized only for mining 1 group of cryptocurrncies (cannot be changed)
  • But mining efficiency is much higher than with GPU rigs (price to hashrate to consumption)


  • GPU miner is enhanced computer with graphics cards specially tunned for mining
  • Mining efficiency is lower but more flexible. You can switch the rig to the hundreds of various coins (Zcash, Monero, Ethereum ..)
  • Even miner (device) itself is more flexible than ASIC miner. If you will want to quit mining, you can use miner as an common computer, server or quickly sell off single parts

Most Profitable Miners